PLASPRO has supplied nation parks with poly droppers over the last 10 years. These fire resistant droppers have proven cheaper and more environmentally friendly than wooden droppers which contribute to deforestation as locals cut down trees to make animal fences. 

animal fencing  &   CORES   (Fabric, labels and plastic rolls)

poly droppers for animal fencing  - used in game parks and farms replacing wooden fence droppers

  Office: +263.242.770951 / +263.242.749156

Whatsapp: +263.787.421.861 / +263.787.421.901


6 Conben Place, Cnr Bristol & Dumfries, Workington, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Poly Dropper  is PLASPRO's proprietary animal fencing innovation, endorsed by the Environmental Mangament Agency (EMA) in Zimbabwe. Fire resistant and guaranteed to last 10 years! 

PLASPRO has supplied nation parks with poly Droppers over the last 10 years. These fire resistance droppers made out of 100% recycled material, have proven cheaper and more environmentally friendly than wooden droppers which contribute to deforestation as locals cut down trees to make animal fences. 


Endorsed by EMA Zimbabwe